Thursday, August 2, 2007

Another toy recall -- Thanks, China!

On the same day Joshua receives his Thomas the Tank replacement trains, we learn of a new recall involving 80+ products. Ok, we've all known about lead paint being a problem for a long time now. Lead paint should not be an issue! If the paint has lead....don't use it!!!

After visiting the Mattel website, I've learned that since our toys were purchased before May 1, 2007 they are not affected by this recall. But honestly that doesn't make me feel better. I've lost a lot of confidence in toy manufactures over the last few months. Yesterday, Joshua saw me open the package from the Thomas people and, of course, immediately wanted to play with the new trains. I hesitated before I gave them to him. I guess we can only keep our fingers crossed that the toys we're told are safe, are actually safe.

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